Puja J. Amin

Puja J. Amin

One of the best-known names in the marketing legal world, attorney Puja J. Amin—known as “Queenie”— made her mark as corporate counsel for one of the nation’s largest mortgage originators where she oversaw the company’s entire enterprise marketing machinery. More recently, Puja served as general counsel for one of the best-known digital marketing companies on the planet. Today she works alongside the Czar leveraging her vast experience and no-nonsense approach to aide the firm’s clients with their litigation and compliance needs. Queenie is also a world-class endurance athlete. As a 10+ times Trifecta finisher and international Spartan Race qualifier, who commonly competes in "Ultra" endurance challenge, she is one of the toughest litigators you’re ever likely to come across.


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